Diaper Quest Version 1.3 Hotfix 2

Sorry guys, if you're a bab tester trying out the school stuff, this one needed an extra hotfix!

EDIT1: Direct link was broken, now it's fixed!

Download Links:

First time downloading? On Windows? I'd recommend downloading this: ZIP of latest DQ including Windows Git (389 MB)

Direct Download Link (408 MB)

MEGA Mirror

Diaper Quest was created with Inform. To play a work like this one, you need an interpreter program: many are available, among them Zoom for Mac (NB Sierra update has broken the game, and you need to use WINE) and for Unix; Windows Git for Windows; and Gargoyle does an okay job on all platforms if none of the others are working for you.

Known Significant Issues:

  • There are still issues with MacOSX Sierra. Apparently there is an unofficial fix here.


  • You can now use "long wait" while standing.

Bab testers:

  • Teachers will now correctly diaper you when putting you in detention if you're not wearing one.
  • Fixed a bug where the pink smoke was released in the wrong dungeon cell!
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